Principal's Welcome Message

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PRINCIPALOn behalf of the S.D.A. College of Education (SEDACOE) Asokore - Koforidua, I would like to welcome you to the College for your studies and thank you for the significant commitment you are making to improve the quality of your life for the future.
We aim for excellence in the field of Teacher education and practice, constantly working towards raising the bar for students of the Teaching profession, such that our students can face the exacting demands of the Teacher education sector.

We, at SEDACOE, have excellent infrastructure, competent teaching faculty with years of experience and follow innovative methods of teaching to convey the importance of the course that the students have embarked upon. We also make sure that the student’s all round development as an intelligent, alert member of society, is nourished. We provide an arena of extracurricular activities which brings out the best in the student.

At SEDACOE, students do not only receive theoretical education, they also experience the richness of practical Teacher education. I am delighted that you have decided to pursue your education at this institution. As you begin your studies, you are assured of a friendly academic environment where both teaching and non-teaching staff are dedicated to preparing you for work in the future. Our emphasis on high academic standards is firmly rooted and as such students must accept the consequences of not performing at their optimum best.

We welcome you to our excellent family for a memorable stay to pursue and successfully complete your education and to achieve higher goals in life. We look forward with hope that you will study very hard and become part of the legion of SEDACOE alumni in the future.


Best of Luck,
Professor Vincent Adzahlie-Mensah

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