Welcome Message

On behalf of the S.D.A. College of Education (SEDACOE) Asokore - Koforidua, I would like to welcome you to the College for your studies and thank you for the significant commitment you are making to improve the quality of your life for the future.
We aim for excellence in the field of Teacher education and practice, constantly working towards raising the bar for students of the Teaching profession, such that our students can face the exacting demands of the Teacher education sector. Read More...


Professor Vincent Adzahlie-Mensah
Professor Vincent Adzahlie-Mensah/ College Principal /
Professor Vincent Adzahlie-Mensah
Professor Vincent Adzahlie-Mensah/ College Principal /
/ Vice Principal /
/ Vice Principal /
Mrs. Elsie B. Amissah-Arthur
Mrs. Elsie B. Amissah-Arthur/ Ag. College Secretary /
Mrs. Elsie B. Amissah-Arthur
Mrs. Elsie B. Amissah-Arthur/ Ag. College Secretary /
Mr. Ebenezer Omenyo
Mr. Ebenezer Omenyo/ College Librarian /
Mr. Ebenezer Omenyo
Mr. Ebenezer Omenyo/ College Librarian /
Miss Sarah Offei/ Ag. Finance Officer /
Miss Sarah Offei/ Ag. Finance Officer /
Mr. Samuel Owusu
Mr. Samuel Owusu/ Ag. Internal Auditor /
Mr. Samuel Owusu
Mr. Samuel Owusu/ Ag. Internal Auditor /
Pastor Ernest Ofosu
Pastor Ernest Ofosu/ College Chaplain /
Pastor Ernest Ofosu
Pastor Ernest Ofosu/ College Chaplain /

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